Newborn Baby, Newborn Family!

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Your Little One has arrived. There are so many new experiences and emotions flooding your days, and nights. Ideally they are all enjoyable, but this can also be a time of great stress on the body, the physiology, the mind/emotions and even relationships. Ayurveda has many secrets of success for this special time, so you and your family can have immense fulfillment.

There are so many things we can address during this phase, some include:

Mom’s health maintenance

Emotional balance

Milk production

Postpartum depression

Lack of connection with Baby


Digestive health

Birth trauma

plus other unique situations

Primarily, we are working with moms and babies who are together at home, but sometimes one or both are in the hospital for extended stays. This adds an extra challenge, of course, and all the more reason to offer this support to Mom, either virtually or via father/partner/family. Our goal is to support you to overcome or improve upon any challenges you may experience during this time. Fulfillment is yours.